Sweden / Gothenburg / The Garden Society of Gothenburg / West Pride 2013 – Live and let love

Gothenburg is like the shy, pretty sister version of stunning Stockholm. She does not leave you stuttering and tongue-tied with her beauty like Stockholm but her subtle charm gently reels you in the more you get to know her.

I find out that it is gay pride (aka West Pride) week here and am am absolutely delighted! *SO* looking forward to the procession as I love the outrageousness of it all. 
There are many events this whole week centered around this and the city seems to have hair made of rainbow colored flags blowing in the wind. What can I say, live and let love 😉


Taking a tour around the city I cross over to The  Garden Society of Gothenburg which is right across the small river from Jonas’ place. It is a beautiful park and I am already dreaming about coming here again to read a book. Just like any ice cream that’s covered with caramel topping, books taste so much better in a park. 
Dreams don’t always have to be complicated, no? 
I stumble upon an art exhibit with rainbow colored flags outside. Must take a peek!
Trying to keep this page as kid-friendly as possible so here are the pictures that I *can* put up without worrying about getting told off by my mom (doesn’t matter how old you are, you are still mama’s little baby and mama always knows what’s best – tried and tested over and over again).  
Oh look, it’s a flower! Uhm. 
Totally cropped this or I would have had no usable photos. The Adams and Eves have switched sides it seems but no one seems to have lost the appetite for apples.
I am a big fan of love in all formats and never judge but personally I am more Biblically-correct when it comes to these things. I come home to flirt with my man Gomes *sigh*. 
Looking forward to our day trip that will take us all the way south to Molle tomorrow. Have also started a gentle persuasion campaign to ensure we are at the West Pride parade on Sunday. Jeffrey is always happy to go along with any plan, one of the reasons he is such a perfect bestest friend to have. Jonas is taking a little bit of persuasion but I think he will also come along. 
Good night beautiful life, will carry on where we left off in the morning!