Sweden / Gothenburg / Off the beaten path in Gothenburg – Parks, restaurants & City Camo

Deljson Lake 

I used to have a VERY big crush on Billy Idol. I now try to invest my affections in things more sensible such as mother nature and Nutella.

Off we go to snuggle up to mother nature.

I have been told by Jeffrey and Jonas that I shall be given a tour of places frequented and loved by the locals of Gothenburg.

First stop is the Delsjon Lake.

It is super lush.

The boys being uncharacteristically calm. See how she soothes everyone?

We don’t have time to kayak around the lake but you can if you wanna. I did wanna.

Another thing that got me wanna’ing was the swings. LOVE swings. But the boys didn’t wanna.

Guess I am not much of a diva. No swinging or kayaking but still feeling like a spoilt little sister/princess.

Oves Gatukok

Our next stop has me salivating like a rabid dog. Jeffrey and Jonas claim it is super tasty and super traditional: A hot dog joint that serves it Swedish style. Apparently it has been around since 1954 and, just like a crown, has been passing from father to son since then. Just the fact that it has been around since ’54 speaks for itself.

Ta daaaaa!

So the main meals in Oves Gatukok all look like this with bits and pieces of variety in each meal.

Looks like the potato-in-the-oven ‘kumpir’ meal that is hugely popular in Turkey but it is actually a little different: It is a hotdog buried in tons of mashed potato, soaked in ketchup, mustard and finished off with a generous blob of delicious dressing. The teeny bit of bread with its little wiener is buried underneath that yummy mess.

I was told that it is customary to drink this thing with it… the Cocio Pucko – doesn’t sound terribly appetizing but thankfully it tasted like chocolate milk… probably because that’s what it is.

As usual I am sharing my food with my neighbors. I get told off for feeding this particular breed of bird as they are apparently not very highly regarded in the hierarchy of birds. ‘But they are still animals – hungry ones!’ – it is funny to watch Jonas and Jeffrey look at each other then jump up to feed them too.

Love it when people have open minds to go with their big hearts…

City Camo 

Jeffrey is a 100% man – until you show him a bag! He has an irrepressible bag fetish and I always have to distract him if we ever are walking past a Samsonite shop – always means a good half hour delay should we step foot in one.

But we are on holiday in his turf and he is the boss. He is in the Sandqvist shop and I am saying prayers of gratitude to God that I am a woman and not someone’s husband who needs to endure regular hours of shopping. I leave Jeffrey in bag-heaven, twirling in front of the mirror with bag in hand, and wander off on Andra Langattan looking around.

I hear music – real, hard, heavy, headbanging music and gravitate to it like metal to magnet. The shop at first glance seems to be a hunting store but turns out to be an army fashion place.

City Camo is perfect for you if you are a hunter, rock star, head banger, in the army, like to play with guns, have lots of tattoos and piercings, like the color khaki – or if you are just cool! Check out their stuff here – really super grungy and rockin’!

I get talking to Janne the owner – he is an awesome dude and it is no wonder this store turned out the way it did.

He gives me some recommendations on cool Swedish rock bands.

I buy this t-shirt.

Would definitely go back again when in the neighborhood this really was the coolest shop I have seen in Sweden so far – with the music to match.

Sweet, sweet day 🙂


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