Sweden / Gothenburg / Nordiska Kompaniet Mall & Angel day / Greek Restaurant Lilla Tavernan

Word of the day


Juxtapose is defined as to put two things close to each other in order to highlight or compare the differences between them.verb 

Such as tattoos and pancakes 🙂 

What a sweet treat from jonas early in the morning.

Feel like one of Pavlov’s dogs as I write this!

Out & About in Gothenburg

Plenty of energy now to to take on the city.
Our friend Ed had once said to Jeffrey, ‘Man, you just look expensive!’. This gave us all a good laugh that day but the term just stuck – this boy looks like he just stepped out of his million foot yacht no matter where he goes. Here he is making the city look even better. 

Gothenburg Saluhallen 

We drop by the Gothenburg Saluhallen for a nice, traditional bite to eat. Notice how my glazed eyes aren’t focused on the camera? Yah, the little boy taking this photo looks like he should be the lead singer of a boy band. Notice Jeffrey’s evil smirk? He is making fun of my innocent admiration, giving me visions of myself pictured in a mug-shot with a red nose and bloodshot eyes, kill-me-now embarrassment, just like those high school teachers you see on CNN every once in a while. EWWW!  
Meatballs and potatoes. Yummy no matter how many times you have it. 
Little raspberry pie with heavenly vanilla dressing. Put this on your Swedish gastronomical bucket list too.
The Saluhallen here is very similar to the one in Stockholm. Cooked and uncooked nibbles and all their associates.
We take a little wander through the streets of Gothenburg.
It was only I returned to Dubai that I realized this skirt it completely see-through.  Ooops!
Swimming pool for those who wish  share their ass-ets with the public down below. And ‘et’ means meat in Turkish. Perfect in this context.
How terrible to not be able to live the way you want. How wonderful to have the freedom to choose. Wear your orientation with pride peeps!
I explore the environs and Jeffrey is stuck to his phone which is stuck to his ear. The word perpetual comes to mind.

Nordiska Kompaniet 

We drop by the Nordiska Kompaniet mall. It is a regular mall with regular things in it. I would love to give you recommendations but malls just bore me to tears. If you do, however, fancy seeing a stuffed bear up close – this is your place! This was the only thing that tickled my fancy there. Ooops again!
We are en route to the cemetery to say hello to Jeffrey’s mother. 
This is our reflection on the window of the bus station. 
We look like ghosts. 
Very suitable me thinks.

We broke the law! 

We tried very hard not to.
Every time we got on the public bus, we tried to pay with our cards. 
It never worked. 
We rode for free… like, quite a few times…
I have faith in karma, she knows we meant well.
Second Scandinavian graveyard I see – just as cheerful as the one in Denmark. 
Favorite ones are the scary gothic ones like the one I saw in Oxford millions of years ago.
There is a huge hare running across the green. I fail at trying to catch it to give it a cuddle. 
It’s me and Jeffrey and Emma. 
We talk about life, death and what happens after. We remain for hours. 
I say hello to Jeffrey’s mother and tell her what an amazing job she did raising her son. I promise her to continue being a good sister to him and take care of him forever. For the millionth time I wish I could have met her. 
May she rest with angels.
Dinner is served at the Greek restaurant Lille Tavernan. Jeffrey has been coming here since the ’90s and he loves it. 
The hunky monkey. No, he’s not striking a pose. He’s just on the phone. As usual.  
Emma – so much wisdom, warmth and refuelling positive energy.
My Turkish taste buds love this place. Almost as good as Turkish food… but not quite of course 😉
We didn’t break any Greek plates. I had some cider which ensured lights went out in my head before said head hit the pillow.