Sri Lanka / Hikkaduwa – Play & pray day

Aloha! A greeting and also the name of a very welcoming, gregarious tuktuk driver that I come across just outside the hotel. One of those moments where you can’t decide if it is you or the other person who has ESP: I was thinking about the turtle farm just down the road as I hear, ‘Excuse me, would you like to go to the turtle farm?’ Whaddaya say to that?

En route to the turtle farm we come across a temple and stop by. One part of it is on the sea and the rest is on land. Apparently the temple on the sea was not damaged during the tsunami in 2004. Blessed temple.

Inside the temple that is on land people come in with offerings of fruits and the monk blesses them with prayers. I have no change but Aloha gives me a coin and I make a wish and place it in the donation box.

Here we are – just a few minutes down the road via tuktuk. Turtle hatchery.

Flirty turtle – I flirted right back.


On your way in they tell you that you are free to make a donation on your way out. On the way out I realized I only had 10 Rupees to spare and was asked if I had dollars or Euros – which I thought was very cheeky. The old Bianca would have not said anything but the new Bianca told him donations are not to be coaxed out of donors – with a smile of course. 10 Rupees was all he got!

The Big Buddha – a lot of Japanese tourists lost their lives here in the 2004 tsunami and this was erected by the Japanese as a memorial. It is on the way back to the hotel. We say a little prayer here and move on.

1 comment

  1. Thank you very much am very happy to see you again, come back to hikkaduwa again, my e-mail is, give me your email address, I like to see any e-mail from you
    Take care and God bless you
    Best wishes

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