Sri Lanka / Hikkaduwa – Dive with the devil & dine in Moon Light

After competing my 69th dive in Ras al Khaimah doing my advanced diving course, I have been wanting to mark dive #70 with something special – Sri Lanka is special enough me thinks! 
The rain has calmed down, sun is sneaking a peek through the clouds. I only have to step outside the hotel to the beach and voila: the International Diving Centre is right there. Although I have booked the dive a day ago, there is some confusion and they don’t seem to have my wetsuit ready. All is finally sorted and off we go to dive in Devil Rock – sounds like a suitable place for Lucifer’s mother!

I am buddied up with Charlie who is rather young, doing his advanced diving course and is on his 11th dive. The dive master joins us too. Little bit mismatched there but Charlie is a really sweet kid so I decide to not make an issue out of it and take the risk.

This is a 7mm wetsuit and not the after-effects of my liaisons with the open buffet.

I like it when the visibility is not the best and everything feels like a scary movie. That kinda sums up our dive – nice! Lots of fish, big ones, little ones, and creepy rock formations that you have to meander through. Likey, likey! Downside was, although very calm underwater, Charlie used up his air and we had to come back up with me still at 100 bar (which would have been an issue had the dive not lasted 47 minutes). I still do raise the point with the diving school when we return then promptly get over it. The rain stops me from doing a second dive.

Dive with full equipment cost me $30 – awesome!!!

Looking forward to dive #71 – let see where that’ll be…

Lunch time! 
The Moon Light Restaurant is a few minutes’ walk from my hotel and comes very highly recommended.  The taste of their chicken salad served in a pineapple still lingers and makes me salivate even today, like now!!! That piece of heaven cost me 15 Dirhams – which is less than what we pay for a cappuccino in sunny Dubai.  

I bump into one of the German managers of the dive school on my way back to the hotel who is apologetic about the morning dive and my complaint.

He assures me these things usually never happen and most of their clients go away with a smile.
I believe him.
I forgive him.
I go away with a smile.
It has nothing to do with my weakness for men with full beards.