Sri Lanka – Balapitiya River Safari

I am all for living in the moment but when you know something very nice is coming to an end it does twist you up inside… Still, trying to ignore my inner-sulky child and trying to focus on the now.  It is my last day and Ajith is back to take me for a river safari. The weather is so sweet I want to pucker up and kiss it!

We find a grocery store to buy some wafers on Ajith’s suggestion. It is another trick he has up his sleeve – these will come in very handy indeed later.

Feel like I should be in a corseted victorian dress fanning myself with a lacy fan, ringlets blowing under my bonnet while driving past these old mansions.

Apparently this is an obituary. They paste them as posters on the walls in the street. This is how it is announced so the friends and relatives can come and say their goodbyes (or ‘see you when I see you’ as I like to think of it).

I asked him his name. A few times. So I would remember it. I remember half of it: Captain. Here Captain shows us where we will be taken on the safari.

First stop is to say hello to a water monitor. DYING to see a real alligator! Supposed to be hiding in the mangroves.

Into the mangroves we go!

Would be so nice to have a hammock in a boat, anchor it under here and read. Yah, these are the type of fantasies I have…

A cute little kid comes over in a little boat with this monkey and I am smitten, smitten, smitten! I want to cuddle it, kiss it, love it forever! It is a little baby and asleep. The kid tells us it is because of the heat. Ajith tells me these are real monkeys, the dark ones. The light colored tourist-pleasing monkeys don’t count apparently. I will not repeat that to Tanya the monkey if I see her again.

I insist on taking photos from all angles. Trying to stall as much as I can. There is something incredibly magical about holding something so soft and little and vulnerable.

Look at his little face!

Monkey has to be given back! Not likey! I feel like Sally Field in ‘Not Without My daughter’ but I have to let go. Sucks!

The captain lets me steer the boat. Reminds me of when I was little and my dad used to make me sit on his lap in the car (on the desert road on the way to the beach – no other cars anywhere in sight) and I used to get to steer the wheel. Sweet memories 🙂 Thank God there is no lap-sitting with this gentleman. No offense!

These are mini-snack and drink stations. Fishing on the job is not a problem in this establishment.

What a nice path to have to take to school.

Some nations just have inner sunshine pre-installed. What a happy people… Notice how they all have umbrellas that match their outfits. Hope they never lose this sunshine.

Next stop – Buddhist temple in the lake. It is supposed to be one of the oldest and holiest places around.

And this is why Ajith insisted on buying the wafers. It is the perfect bribe for these little squirrels, which, if I am not mistaken, are called giant squirrels. This is one of the highlights of my trip today (second only to the monkey-cuddles I got a little earlier).

Ajith tells me these are lit up at night and the place looks lovely.

Needed a few words with the big boss (one of his reps anyway).

Couldn’t trick him into a cuddle…

I get a blessing and a rope tied around my wrist from the monk there. Such a small little place I wonder if they ever get cabin fever… or temple fever! God knows 😉

They tell me this is a Hindi temple. Still no alligators in sight 🙁

As we were looking for alligators amongst the lilies, I had noticed the nice captain fishing something out of the lake. I thought he was being an eco-warrior – I was wrong. It was a small water lily with a long stem and he made it into a necklace and gifted it to me. Was very touched!

Our next stop is a cinnamon plantation. They showed us how to make cinnamon extract and oils and also how they weave their own roofs.

Next stop is the fish pedicure place.

I never thought I would enjoy my feet being eaten by fish. I did.

To compensate for us not being able to find a big alligator I am thrilled to get so meet this little one. Never realized how beautiful they are – so perfectly patterned and designed.

Our trip is over.  Ajith wants to take me to a tea plantation next – it was his little surprise for today. I unfortunately have no time and he is quite upset because he knows I will like it. I know I will like it too – there wasn’t a single thing I did not like about this country! I know I will be back again very soon.

I will…

But I still don’t wanna leave!