Nomad goes to Sri Lanka!

Sticking to true personal tradition, I leave everything to the last minute, book the hotel, flight ticket, arrange cats to be taken care of and visas and fly the next day. Phew!! So, Hikkaduwa it is, in Sri Lanka. My friends are not as accommodating of this last minute trip in their lives as I am and I will be going alone.

Lucky being in Dubai – so many super cheap charter flights everywhere. I am taking Air Arabia again from Sharjah Airport to Colombo.
Tips for Sri Lanka: if you land in Colombo the middle of the night, you will not get stuck in traffic. My plane landed at 3 am which was perfect. En route to Hikkaduwa, my driver took me through the towns and not the highway (to not pay the highway fee) and the trip took 3 hours instead of 1 – which was not perfect. Now I know better.

Coral Sands Hotel in Hikkaduwa. This was my first room – super cosy and spacious and opened up to the garden. You can see the sun rising and the waves crashing outside.  

The aforementioned outside… Trying very hard not to crash & burn before I devour the open buffet breakfast. Everything is starting to blur…
I have a thing for hotel rooms. I think I have photos of every single hotel room  have stayed in. One of those things…
They say that sleep deprivation is a very potent way to feel high. They say it true!
Everything becomes very surreal as I step out of my room to get breakfast at 7:30. The whole corridor is covered with thick white smoke and the sound of chanting floats with it. I realise this is real – takes a while though! They apparently do this every morning to bless the place (as well as keep the mosquitoes away).
Toothpicks – poor, tired head got fixated on the detail.

On my discovery walk and I make a few friends. This is Rosie:

This is Tanya – absolutely adorable and very smelly!

This dude did not have a name but he did have attitude, was kinda funky and strange. I christened him Iggy (love Iggy pop).

Sometimes all you gotta do is ask – so I asked for a room with a nicer view. And I got it – sweet!!

My lovely (lovelier) view – delighted!

Super tired & hitting the sack.  Love Facebook – it is instrumental in making me meet up with a childhood friend who also happens to be in Hikkaduwa with his wife. Lovely lovely lovely lovelyyyy! Zzzzzzzz…