Liseberg Amusement Park, Heaven 23 & The Garden Society of Gothenburg

LisebergMost people don’t like to get the sh*t scared out of them.
I do.

Amusement parks are ALWAYS a must.

Here we are in Liseberg, the amusement park of Gothenburg.

One of those rare instances when I am not the teeny-tinyest person around. Kids’ parks are good like that 😉

Here is the beautiful Malin again.

We decide to start out with the start attraction ride. The AtmosFear.

It is around 116 metres high with a drop of over 90 metres and, according to my omniscient Wikipedia, is the 5th highest drop tower in the whole wide world. Yeeehaw to that!

You have the pleasure of experiencing 4G force on your poor body.

Yep, it’s that deceptively innocent looking tall tower there.

Oblivious to any of this, like a baby lion who has all the courage in the world in her blissful ignorance, off I go skipping and hopping. I drag Jeffrey, co-baby lion, with me.

Malin knows better. She volunteers to stay back, “Someone needs to take the photos,” she says.

Look at us: so smug and (almost) on top of the world. Little did we know this was going to cause long-term damage to both our psyches!!!

We start to get an idea of the seriousness of this thing we have gotten ourselves into when the signs tell us to remove all loose items on us (no problem), including the chewing gum from our mouths (gulp)!
They say the worst part of torture is actually waiting for it.
You always worry about the dropping down part. No one tells you how utterly terrifying it is to be climbing up though. The seats all face outward and you feel the security bars around your chest (good thing as it is stopping your crazy beating heart from exploding right out, spraying fresh flesh everywhere!) and the seat below your bum but this does NOTHING to stop you from feeling *terrified*! The ride up is really way too slow and it is super scary to be so high in the sky without being in an airplane. Unexpected panic wholly takes over and we are screaming like girls starting halfway up… which is okay for me but what’s Jeffrey’s excuse??

We survive the drop with everything intact except our dignity. I try to remind myself of my paragliding jump off Babadag in Turkey which is almost 2000 meters up to help undo some of the damage I have done to my self-imposed fearless superwoman image. Helps. A little.

No offense to Gomez the dog but it is nice to get a comforting human cuddle, especially after that drop.

Wooden roller coaster – it did not break, which was good.

Jeffrey was in the special forces while doing his military service in Sweden. We always made fun of our Swedish Rambo until Disa, another Swedish friend, confirmed that it really is a grueling as Jeffrey claimed it was.  Respect!

We were so shaken from our AtmosFear experience that we didn’t dare go on this. But we pretended we could have but just didn’t feel like it.
Love all these games!

Yay more cuddles!

On our way out we come across a poster of Mando Diao. I couldn’t believe these guys were Swedish when I first heard it – thought they were good ol’ American boys who just wanted to come up with an exotic name Haagen Dazs style!!! Gutted that I am going to be missing the show 🙁

If you like good ol’ fashioned rock – download these guys now! Here, one my favorite songs (probably the only song people haven’t heard about) Lady.

MWAHHH Mando Diao you guys ROCK (literally)!

We leave the park.
Recalibrating my thoughts on how much I like getting the sh*t scared out of me.

Liseberg – put this right on the very top of your things to do in Gothenburg list. Plenty to do whether you are a big kid or a small kid.

Heaven 23

We head to the Gothia Towers right across the street to a restaurant/bar called Heaven 23 for a quick snack. Floor 23 in case you hadn’t guessed.

Gorgeous panoramic views of Gothenburg.

I would imagine this to be a super trendy restaurant/bar in the evening with stunning views.

The Garden Society of Gothenburg

We all say goodbye and split in 3 different directions. I am jumping up and clicking my heels mentally as I am about to do something I have been dying to do since we arrived: read my book in the park across the canal. I head back to The Garden Society of Gothenburg again.

It is a gorgeous day and I am reading The House of Spirits by Isabel Allande. Here is my review: BUY IT!!!!! If friends insist on buying me gifts for my birthday I always ask them to buy me their favorite book. This one was from my Swedish friend pretty Disa with the awesome dimples.  The park is just heavenly and as usual it feels divine to be in the arms of mother nature again.

Just when I thought life couldn’t possibly get any better…

Out of the blue I feel something sniffing my face.

His paws are so soft and my book is so deep that I did not hear him coming at all, I melt all over in seconds.

Unexpected explosion of bliss!

The owners, how cute are they?

Perfect, perfect, perfect day!