City tour with Malin at Ramberget & Slottsskogen Zoo

I love people who have big, warm hearts and a smile that bursts out not only of the lips but also out of the eyes!

And I also love it when they LOVE cats.

I love sweet Malin! Some people just soothe your soul and Malin definitely has that warm and comfortable, loving energy about her.

She offers to take me on a small city tour and I say yes. Can’t wait to exchange stories – so much has happened since the last time that we met reminding me once again how life just never turns out the way you think it will. I often have an image of the almighty mass of energy we call God pointing his finger at me, laughing with tears streaming down his face, slapping his knee as I sit there sulking… But I can’t blame him, I also have a twisted sense of humor sometimes and I always enjoy making people laugh if I can – why deny the big boss the pleasure even if it’s at my expense?

Did we veer right off???


Our first stop is the Ramberget which is a little mountain on an island called Hisigen.

Did you know that there was a pretty large Scottish community in Sweden back in the 1800’s? Apparently this whole area was gifted to the City of Gothenburg by a very nice and generous Scotsman called James Kellier. There is a little viewpoint up at the top where there is a marble carving which shows you all the major attractions in Gothenburg with a simple arrow. Yep, do bring either your binoculars or your imagination.

Taking my posing to panoramic levels.

The place is full of trekkers and picnickers and both activities are up my alley but we have other plans. Plans that include animals – YAY!

En route we go past this bridge, Malin’s favorite one. We have the top rolled down and feel the wind in our hair – so cliche but, man, does that work – it blows all the joy in these blue skies right into our hearts!

Slottsskogen – aka zoo 🙂 


This place is huuugeee!

A dear friend had once said to me, “Honey, if people don’t like animals, I don’t like them!” I must admit, I really don’t understand people who don’t love (forget like) animals either.

Little tip: feeding time for penguins is 14:30.

Seals 🙂

Did you know that a male seal is called a bull, female seal cow and a group of female seals is called a harem? Baby seals are called pups. Why not calf?? Or why not papa seal, mama seal and little cutie pie??

I wonder who comes up with all this.

Makes me feel like I am in a fairy tale 🙂

Oh my God, oh MY GOD, OMGGGG!!! There’s a PETTING ZOOOOOO!!!!

(I decided *very* early in life to be unashamed about my emotions. I recommend it to everyone!)

Oh I am *so* happy that Malin has the same delirious reactions to animals as I do. We chase this little one around until we manage to stroke it a little. It is a playful little thing and makes me all melty inside.

He would have fit right in at the gay parade last Sunday.

I would say the zoo aspect of Slottsskogen is rather modest but there is so much more you can do with all this green area that it doesn’t matter – it is a great place for a relaxing day out. I would definitely come back here again with a full picnic basket, blankets and cushions and some rose wine as well as Malin – perfect!

Thank you Malin for the tour, the conversations and the giggles. Let’s see where in the world we see each other next and how things have changed again!