Liseberg Amusement Park, Heaven 23 & The Garden Society of Gothenburg

LisebergMost people don’t like to get the sh*t scared out of them. I do. Amusement parks are ALWAYS a must. Here we are in Liseberg, the amusement park of Gothenburg. One of those rare instances when I am not the teeny-tinyest person around. Kids’ parks are good like that 😉 Here is the beautiful Malin… Continue reading Liseberg Amusement Park, Heaven 23 & The Garden Society of Gothenburg

Sweden / Gothenburg / Paddan Sightseeing Tour / Rohsska Museum for Design / West Pride Parade 2013

Oh wow, oh wow, OH WOW! I am *SO* looking forward to everything today! Jeffrey and I have booked a sightseeing-via-water tour which is how we start our day. He *is* quite thankful that I dragged him out early last night. Jonas is feeling the full effects of his adventures the night before and doesn’t join… Continue reading Sweden / Gothenburg / Paddan Sightseeing Tour / Rohsska Museum for Design / West Pride Parade 2013

Sweden / Gothenburg / Spice Asian Restaurant, party time on the streets and in Apartment No. 4

It’s Jonas’ turn to babysit me. I ain’t complaining. We sit in a small restaurant/bar in the central square of Gothenburg. We haven’t had a good old gossip in a while. He always has fascinating stories and it is good to catch up one on one and have a peek into his world again. As… Continue reading Sweden / Gothenburg / Spice Asian Restaurant, party time on the streets and in Apartment No. 4

Sweden / Gothenburg / Nordiska Kompaniet Mall & Angel day / Greek Restaurant Lilla Tavernan

Word of the day Juxtapose  Juxtapose is defined as to put two things close to each other in order to highlight or compare the differences between them.verb  Such as tattoos and pancakes 🙂  What a sweet treat from jonas early in the morning. Feel like one of Pavlov’s dogs as I write this! Out &… Continue reading Sweden / Gothenburg / Nordiska Kompaniet Mall & Angel day / Greek Restaurant Lilla Tavernan

Sweden / Gothenburg / Freeport Outlet Village (boo) & crazy Swedish graduation rituals

Freeport Outlet Village  I am about to experience one of the biggest disappointments ever. We have come to an outlet mall and I am expecting discounts that will allow me to get rid of the change and coins in my pockets. Didn’t happen!  The prices were super high and the variety was super low. Somebody… Continue reading Sweden / Gothenburg / Freeport Outlet Village (boo) & crazy Swedish graduation rituals

Sweden / Gothenburg / Off the beaten path in Gothenburg – Parks, restaurants & City Camo

Deljson Lake  I used to have a VERY big crush on Billy Idol. I now try to invest my affections in things more sensible such as mother nature and Nutella. Off we go to snuggle up to mother nature. I have been told by Jeffrey and Jonas that I shall be given a tour of… Continue reading Sweden / Gothenburg / Off the beaten path in Gothenburg – Parks, restaurants & City Camo

Sweden / Day trip to Grand Hotel Molle & the making of a superstar!

Road trips – hate them… NOT! My imaginary tail is wagging again – we are on our way to Hassleholm to a recording studio so Jeffrey can record with Mitch, his other producer, and then we will continue to Molle, waaaaay down in southern Sweden. Swedish pop: Cue’s Album ‘Back to See this Place’  This… Continue reading Sweden / Day trip to Grand Hotel Molle & the making of a superstar!

Sweden / Gothenburg / The Garden Society of Gothenburg / West Pride 2013 – Live and let love

Gothenburg is like the shy, pretty sister version of stunning Stockholm. She does not leave you stuttering and tongue-tied with her beauty like Stockholm but her subtle charm gently reels you in the more you get to know her. I find out that it is gay pride (aka West Pride) week here and am am absolutely… Continue reading Sweden / Gothenburg / The Garden Society of Gothenburg / West Pride 2013 – Live and let love

Sweden / Train from Stockholm to Gothenburg / A “Hello!” full of bubbly!

We are about to leave the hotel and head out to catch the train. Tanja takes a photo of her view. And I take a photo of my view. To each his own. Heading out of lovely Stockholm. Observations about Sweden: Swedish fashion sense:  When in doubt, wear Converse and skinny jeans. When not in… Continue reading Sweden / Train from Stockholm to Gothenburg / A “Hello!” full of bubbly!