Be a quitter!

Think about it…

Some things are common sense, like cutting your nails when you start looking like Freddie Krueger. There is a dangerous place though that you might have heard of. It’s called your ‘comfort zone’. The name is very misleading. Be very careful when you feel that you have stepped into this zone. It renders you quite blind to quite a few things in your life.

Here is the remedy!

Take a few steps outside your comfort zone, turn around and take a look. Then start quitting!


* Smoking – was too easy – 6 months and going strong. I used the cold turkey method but everyone else swears by the Alan Carr book. Small tip: do it just a month before your birthday, just in time for people to start telling you you look so much younger. Ha! Girls will be girls 😉

* Drainers (not the toilet type but the human type) – They can be subdivided into many categories like time drainers, energy drainers and smile drainers (these are the ones who have no inner-smile and thus feed off killing yours). Quit, cut loose and delete them out of your life.

* Things – quit hoarding and quit buying things you don’t need. This is an incredibly old rule I have that has survived even though I live in a place like Dubai. My only exception is my book collection. I will not Kindle! (These *are* my rules so I can do as I please) 😉

* Your job – take a look… miserable & scared to change vs. delighted to get going in the morning. The choice is yours… (also check your ‘dreams’ file. If you can’t find your ‘dreams’ now check your hidden file ‘subconscious’)!

* Your special someone – This one is a toughie but are you happy??? You really should be really happy…

Your life is your basket and it is completely up to you what you choose to fill it with. The less crap you have in it, the more space will remain for things that make you happy. Simple, no? 🙂

That was my list. All the items are taken care of now. What is yours? Get your pen & paper. Now.