
I am picky about my music: it doesn’t make me wanna head-bang, I don’t wanna listen to it.

There are exceptions to this rule though.
Like when the singer is a Turkish superstar.
And your buddy Tara, aka Neslihan, has given you tickets to an invite-only gala dinner followed by a private concert of the said superstar.

Then you actually go and actually enjoy it.

The gang: our childhood friend Nilufer, my kid brother Efe and his lovely wife Nice (who i suspect played a pivotal role in managing to drag him out on a school night, or any night for that matter).

And he arrives!

We were so close, we could have wiped the sweat of his brow! That is not one of my ‘as we say in my country’ quotes, it is just a fact 🙂

Tip of the day: never, ever forget that there is always a chance that you might surprise yourself by enjoying yourself. You now have 7 days to do something different! C’mon, don’t let yourself down.