Sweden / Stockholm / Riche – lovely way to spend a lazy day

It is our last day and night in Stockholm.

We take it easy and do bits and pieces of everything.

There seems to be a classic car drive day in the city and we have lots of classic cars with classic looking people in classic attire driving them. So random and fun!

Some more sweet Stockholm details…Yes, we notice and yes, the world does become a more delightful place.

It is Swedish Mothers’ Day – different from the rest of the world. Flowers everywhere.

One thing I like better than going to a flea-maket is stumbling upon one – takes away the pain of having to negotiate your way and persuading people to go (pleaasseeee). Sweet serendipity, my good friend, drops by again. Small but cute flea market in the heart of stockholm.

Loved this grandpa! Long white hair in a ponytail, best Sunday suit and purple shoes – very sweet.

We end up in Riche . One of the most popular spots in stockholm, it is a restaurant / bar good for lunching, dinner as well as drinks later.

We settle in for an evening of absolute hedonism.

I like Swedish food – uncomplicated, straight-forward and healthy – a bit like Swedish people 🙂 

We tried quite a few dishes between us. Here are my food recommendations for Riche: order anything because everything we tried was delish and there is a reason why this hot spot has been hot for such a long time. 

Meet gino! Gino is one of my favorite Swedish things (including Ikea, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, Abba and H&M. Now, that’s saying something!). Recipe: bananas, kiwi, strawberries (or any other fruits of your choice) and white chocolate. Slice all of ’em up, dice the white chocolate into small bits and make it look like there was a snow storm on the fruits. Place in oven until it melts. Eat with ice cream! YUM! (Don’t ask me details about oven heat – this is as far as my domestic skills go).

Small stop in the ladies’ room reveals a very interesting piece of art. Behind a glassed enclosure is a small replica of a bathroom, disturbingly similar to the cubicle I was in, with a camera pointing straight at it, red light flickering and all. You might call it paranoia, I call it having an enthusiastic imagination, but this had me thinking that someone was watching me and left me twirling around, staring at the ceiling scared, just like they do in horror movies before the bad guy gets the good girl. I did ask the waiter about this (insistently) and was assured (repeatedly) that no one watched as I tinkled. Phew!    

Family portrait (taken a few minutes before we ran out of steam).

Discovery of the day: cider! Many different flavors, much delight.

We have an early night in anticipation of our trip to Gothenburg in the morning… on a *train*! YIPPEEEEE!!!!