Sweden / Train from Stockholm to Gothenburg / A “Hello!” full of bubbly!

We are about to leave the hotel and head out to catch the train.
Tanja takes a photo of her view.

And I take a photo of my view.

To each his own.

Heading out of lovely Stockholm.

Observations about Sweden:

Swedish fashion sense: 
When in doubt, wear Converse and skinny jeans.
When not in doubt, wear Converse and skinny jeans.
When going out shopping/drinking/dinner/wedding/funeral, wear Converse and skinny jeans.
So I exaggerate sometimes but you get the drift. 
Analysis: These people are so fit and beautiful/handsome, they don’t really need to make any effort with dressing up but, funny enough, they look super trendy and fashionable even though they are rather same-same but different waist-down. 

Train from Stockholm to Gothenburg 

Jeffrey, in his fancy-shmancy ways, books us into the first class compartment on the fast train, the X2 (which is also a tilting train – read up on it here if the technology behind the super high speed interests you). 
First class compartment means you get to travel in a little glassed-off and curtained-off section. There is high-speed internet to go with the high-speed train. The fast train is not the cheapest option but some things are just worth the extra money: mother nature showing off her beauty, proximity to many locations, especially in a place like Sweden where you can just hop on and off and get pretty much anywhere via the extensive network of train routes, clean, quiet comfort, the joy of trying something different… 
The economy seats are just as comfortable and luxurious as the first class ones. I would have opted for the economy seats if I was traveling alone but having a bit of privacy with my buddies sure made first class more fun on this particular trip. 
We talk, laugh, read, I write more lyrics – time flies. 

LOVE trains! I take a few minutes’ break from my lyrics to pose for Jeffrey. Ahhh so much to do… 🙂

Love Tanja – very easy to hang out with and squeezes fun into any situation. The train ride is a very pretty one and I am already looking forward to doing it again on the way back.

Audrey in Gothenberg. She is excited because she is about to meet Jonas – Jeffrey’s bestest friend!

Always a gentleman, Jonas comes to pick us up from the train station. Don’t let the tattoos and muscles deceive you – underneath it all lies a wonderful man with a huge, huge heart. It is great to see him again.

Ahhh here comes that feeling: love at first sight! It *does* happen! Meet Gomes, Jonas’ baby.

Gomes is definitely hovering 🙂 You know that feeling you get when the person you luuuurve loves you right back? Yah, that’s what I am feeling right now. I think he is equally smitten!! Oh what bliss!

The house is just gorgeous. It is built in the 1850’s and is not only very central but is also near a lake and a huge park. The best part: it has lovely Jonas and Gomes in it 🙂  
My room.

Super cool art work. Even cooler fact: Jonas’ grandfather is the artist!

We put our bags down then rush out again. Jeffrey will be singing at a professional recording studio and we will be his mobile fan club. Did you know that he used to be a singer? Check him out with his old band Jessie Skates here 🙂 
Giggle soup for the soul… Make sense?? 🙂

In the studio. Jeffrey sings.

Niklas does his magic production.

Lovely Tanja listens.

I play (pretend to – it’s the only way I know).

This is when you know a place is a proper man-cave! I dare not meddle for various reasons.

Back home & dinner time, Tanja uses her magic wands (her hands) and truly magical food is produced.

These are Emma, Jimmy and Jonas.

Emma is very special to me primarily because he is so incredibly close to Jeffrey and Jeffrey is my soul-brother and this logically this makes Emma my extended family… right? Jimmy is Jonas’ buddy and has a pretty awesome club called Apartment in Gothenburg. Check it out here.

Gino – just can’t get enough of this!

There is lots of bubbly – we drink all of it. Patrick, Jonas’ buddy, drops by later with a super-sized bottle of bubbly back-up. This has been a very warm welcome to us indeed. Jeffrey is particularly fuzzy inside – he has his soul-family gathered from all over the world here, under the same roof. I know it means a lot to him.

We can take our headaches with us when we explore the city tomorrow – it will be good company to our sulky faces as Tanja will be leaving us tomorrow – boooo!