We sit in a small restaurant/bar in the central square of Gothenburg.
We haven’t had a good old gossip in a while. He always has fascinating stories and it is good to catch up one on one and have a peek into his world again.
As always hot tea accompanies my lunch.
Jonas opts for his favorite drink – same color as mine but is cold and has bubbles and makes you wanna pee-pee quite a bit. Guess what it is.
There is a random orchestra with cheerleaders parading in the streets.
Teenage girls in mini skirts – they sometimes turn a few heads.
Today is going to be a day of eating and drinking and nothing else. And why not??
We move over to the Thai restaurant Spice.
Sonny joins us. He is probably one of the funniest characters I have met in the Sweden chapter of this life.
Introducing Chriz.
Chriz is super humble and down to earth.
He shouldn’t be – he runs Spice and Spice is AMAZING!
Hats off to him and his brother.
We come back quite a few times during our stay here.
And introducing Chriz’s tattoos.
His coolness levels has just skyrocketed in my eyes as he has gotten all of these tattoos the old fashioned way – with a bamboo stick – OUCH!
Street Party
Our hedonistic lazy day continues. Out of all of us Emma surprises with a suggestion. There is a big street party going on in his neighborhood in Andra Långgatan (apparently means ‘the longest street’) and he asks us all to join him.
So we do.
Loud music. Not rock. I live with it.
We have enough and get away from the madness on the streets and settle in to eat.
The things that give a girl butterflies: a bungee jump, first sight of your special someone… For me it is ALWAYS a map.
A globe will also do.
I spot one behind Jeffrey taking that photo and the butterflies start fluttering.
I am looking for the States and Nepal – next stops on my ‘I wish’ list, in that order.
On a table of about 6 people (7 including the server) I am amazed that 3 people were born in another country and had been adopted by Swedish parents and made this place their homes. Quite a popular thing to do in Sweden it seems.
Meet Elsa and Dan. I get chatting to Elsa and find her to be quite adorable. We agree to explore the museum tomorrow before the West Pride parade. Super excited about both!
Apartment No. 4
To end this hedonistic evening we drop by Jimmy’s club Apartment No. 4. I am in a pair of leggings and a simple white top that I put on this morning but do not feel out of place at all – casual seems to be the unchanging trend here. Very unlike Dubai. Not a big fan of clubbing but I really do enjoy myself.
Men need a few drinks to get into their ‘I love you maaaan’ mode. Here I am with Jonas and Jimmy included in this special moment. Sonny has taken a few moments off from making us all laugh and is behind us quenching his thirst.
This place is awesome! But I have a full day ahead tomorrow – sightseeing via water tour, museum and PRIDE PARADE (YIPPEEEE) so it is time to say goodbye (boo).
I make Jeffrey walk me home feeling bad for dragging him out early but I know he will thank me tomorrow.
I know there is at least one boy who is happy to have me home early. Me and Gomez hit the sack.
Lovely sharing as always <3
Thank you little butterfly-muse <3
Lovely sharing as always <3