Sri Lanka / Hikkaduwa – blessed beaches & yoga teachers

I have been taking long walks on the beach. Now this might sound rather lame but this is actually the female equivalent to a man having front row seats to every Victoria’s Secret show on Fashion TV: the place is surfing haven and is thus full of rather hunky surfers. It’s more fun to watch in real life than on Extreme TV. I do watch them the same tame/lame way though – from a distance – not keen to mingle.

Dubai has beautiful beaches.
Sri Lanka has beautiful beaches and endless palm trees.
Dubai: 1  Sri Lanka: 2
Sri Lanka wins!

Traditional Sri Lankan fishing boat.

I take this walk almost every morning. Unlike Dubai where access is always blocked at one point by a 5 star resort or some sort of construction, the beaches here go on for ever and ever and ever…. (or for at least an hour and half walk’s worth, which is the furthest I got).

I drop by the Seethani Guest House for some fresh fruit juice and see this dude. I think he just walks around with the same fish hooked to his bum cause my friend Selim (who was staying at the Seethani) has the exact same photo on his Facebook. Hmmmm…

Rosie – we’re buddies now 🙂

Random sweet papa and cutie son on the beach.

Yoga in Hikkaduwa

So the rain has been like a little child that is trying very hard not to cry. There are a few drops here and there but not much else. I can yoga – brilliant!  I head back to the Kailash Yoga Studio after lunch. I can smell the rain, feel the breeze and am completely relaxed. Lyndon’s voice and instructions come through loud and clear and his enunciation of each word makes him sound like Hannibal Lecter (for lack of a better way to describe it) and is absolutely hypnotic! Ommmm my God – love it! (Sorry – couldn’t resist!)

Kinda hard to try to do my rookie yoga and take photos at the same time but even without the camera I am very much reminiscent of a mime artist making like a robot. Lyndon, on the other hand, is doing things no human body should be able to do. His kids join in and it is the sweetest thing to watch them trying to imitate their daddy. Now I am a smiling mime artist who is making like a robot!

The rain can’t contain itself no more and is having a full meltdown! The puddles are gathering and getting bigger in our rooftop terrace and although there are only a few minutes for the lesson to end Lyndon cannot finish it and declares the lesson to be over due to the ‘water, water everywhere’ situation. He also refuses payment from anyone in the class as apparently that’s his rule: no full lesson, no payment. How gracious, how kind, how ‘never would that happen in the city’. The voice in my head says karma will be kind to him but then I think of this beautiful tropical heaven he lives in, his adorable children and his sweet, pretty wife and feel that karma has already been kind to him and hope that it continues to do so. Who needs riches when you have all of the above I tell the voice in my head?? I do have these conversations a lot, don’t you?

He gives me these so I can practice at home. That’s him in the photos. His contact details are also below if you happen to drop by, which you should!

When it rains, it pours! Whoever coined that phrase must have done so in Sri Lanka. I only walk across the street to grab a tuktuk and i feel like I have walked through a carwash. I am soaked to the bone – literally!

On my way I drop by the tailors and pick up my shorts. Pretty impressive I must say. This cost me 500 Rupees which is again less than the price of a cappuccino in sunny Dubai (a cheap one you get in Deira!).

This lovely day is going to be followed by an even lovelier day tomorrow. Ajith will be back to take me to the river safari. Big YAY to that!


Voice in my head has a mind of its own and has started nagging already and just won’t shut up!